PT Snacks Podcast 2023

Join the challenge

Start out the new year strong, by creating your own service project to serve your community by March 31, 2023.

What if this year, instead of just focusing on New Year's Resolutions about ourselves, we focused on how to give back to our communities?


Spend the first three months of 2023 looking to find a need in your community, and execute a way to fill matter how big or small the task is.

Hi, my name is Kasey Hogan, and I'm a physical therapist. I'm also the creator and host of PT Snacks Podcast, a podcast dedicated to physical therapists looking to grow their fundamentals in bite-sized segments of time. This January, I'm so excited to challenge you to grow yourself by looking to serve the needs of others, whether PT-related or not.

Let's make 2023 the best year yet and create a world where we look to the needs of others around us.

Kasey Hogan, PT, DPT, OCS

PT Snacks Podcast Creator

DOWNLOAD the free PT Snacks Service Project guide

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